Posted on May 29, 2024, 9:32 a.m. by Rev. Shobayo Kayode (The Gospel Study Centre)
The word, “Looking unto” means undivided attention, looking away from all distractions in order to fix one’s stare on an object. Looking unto Jesus therefore means, having eyes for no one but Jesus Christ. The Bible is quick to say why we should have our eyes on Him. He is the author and finisher of our faith. (Heb.12:2) The author and finisher of our faith because the Christian faith is based on His birth, His death, His burial, His resurrection, His ascension to the heaven and the strong hope of His coming back again. There is no argument that Christian faith is based on the life and death of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is a common knowledge that the whole world is experiencing hard time in every aspects of life at this moment. The hard time is one way or the other impacting on the spiritual lives of believers. God design is for the church to impact the world with the Word of Truth. But the Church is now being impacted by the world thereby weakening the spiritual life of believers. Everyone is looking for power in a program, in anything and everything but not in the Word of God. May God have mercy. The good news is that the Word of God is encouraging believer to lay aside anything that can hinder his progress, particularly every form of sin, and run with endurance, his Christian life which is likened to a race that is set before him. (Heb.12:1) When believer run the race with endurance, he will survive the onslaught of the world. The story of Peter walking on the sea (Matt.14:22-33) explains to us why we need to continue to look unto Jesus. The disciples cried out for fear when they thought Jesus was a ghost walking on the sea, but immediately Jesus spoke and told them not to be afraid, their fears were taken away. Peter thereafter had the courage to ask Jesus to command him Peter to come to Him Jesus walking on the sea. Jesus did and Peter walked for the period his eyes were fixed on Jesus. But Peter began to sink when he saw the boisterous wind that arose. Meaning that the moment he took his eyes away from Jesus and set it on the wind, he began to sink. The story teaches that nothing will be impossible for us to achieve as long as we put our faith and trust in Jesus Christ. Peter was able to walk because he focused his eyes on Jesus, and he began to sink when his eyes were on the boisterous wind. The same way believer gets destroyed the moment he begins to go elsewhere to look for help as a result of life challenges. The word of God says, “Cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his strength, whose heart departs from the Lord.” (Jer.17:5) However, the cheery news is the fact that “Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be moved, but abides for ever.” (Psalm.125:1) Believe the word of God and put your trust in Christ Jesus henceforth. The moment a believer lay aside anything that can hinder his progress, particularly every form of sin, and run with endurance his Christian life, and work out his salvation with fear and trembling by continuously looking unto Jesus, he will not only do exploit for Christ, but his life will also bring glory to the name of the Lord. Brethren, let us keep looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith by standing in Christ no matter the situation of life. He promised not to leave nor forsake us. “Let your conduct be without covetousness, be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” (Heb.13:5) Evangelism The whole world needs Christ now, tell somebody about Jesus Christ today. Remain blessed as you do so. Rev. Shobayo Kayode (The Gospel Study Centre)
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